7th Grade Qin Xi Huang Essays
Jasper Mary Safa Leo Victoria Oliver Ruby Shelby Henry Serenne Emily Coral Vesper Andrew Dylan Samantha Reese Izzy Isobel Ella Amanda Mia...
7th Grade Hero Projects
For this project we worked to define what it means to be a hero. In our culture the line between celebrity and hero can often become...
8th Grade Civil War Analysis
The 8th graders wrote essays about the causes of the Civil War. They did their research from original documents and sources as well as...
6th Grade Myth Projects
We have been studying myths, and how they explain the unexplainable. The students wrote brilliant stories that explain everything from...
6th Grade Archeology Projects--
Students wrote historical fiction from the point of view of archeologists in search of clues about Paleolithic and Neolithic...
Hero Projects
The students examined and identified the qualities that they believe defines heroism. Each student identified a hero based on their...
7th Grade: Were the Mongols Barbarians or Not?
The 7th grade students read a series of documents which described the Mongols and their empire. Students were then asked to write an...
8th Grade Supreme Court Projects
The 8th Grade students examined the worst Supreme Court decisions of all time. They explored the reasons the court would have decided the...
6th Grade Myth Projects
Students wrote myths inspired by the Greek myths. They had to explain the unexplainable, and create a family tree that outlined the...
6th Grade Ancient Civilization Slideshows
The 6th graders worked in small groups to create presentations on Ancient Civilizations. They began their research in books and took...